Mandatory Critical Stage Inspections

After obtaining the Construction Certificate or Complying Development Certificate for your building project, you are required to engage a Certifying Authority to conduct Mandatory Critical Stage Inspections at various stages throughout the construction process. These inspections ensure that the building work complies with relevant regulations and standards. The Critical Stage Inspections typically occur at key milestones, such as before pouring concrete, framing, waterproofing, and final inspection.

They are as follows:

  1. After excavation for, and prior to the placement of, any footings / piers. (Footings/Piers Inspection)

  2. Prior to pouring any in-situ reinforced concrete building element. (Slab Inspection)

  3. Prior to covering any stormwater drainage connections. (Stormwater Inspection)

  4. Prior to covering of the framework for any floor, wall, roof or other building element. (Frame Inspection)

  5. Prior to covering waterproofing in any wet areas. (Waterproofing Inspection)

  6. After the building work has been completed and prior to any occupation certificate being issued in relation to the building. (Final Inspection)

Once the building works are complete and all necessary inspections have been carried out satisfactorily, the Certifying Authority will issue an Occupation Certificate. This certificate confirms that the building is suitable and safe for occupation in accordance with the approved plans and relevant building codes and standards.